Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

This He Former Junior Plate Wash with Property $ 15 Billion!

"The issue is certain to appear. How is your ability to cope and learn from it so as not to repeat the problem. It will bring you success. "
The phrase that's what Michael Dell said, recalling the journey to achieving a successful career as CEO of Dell Inc. Dell is known as a hard worker since childhood has always learned to address the problem. He tried hard to find a way out and ultimately successful.
Michael Saul Dell, maybe only certain people who know the name of it, but if Dell Computer everyone would know. Absolutely, Michael Dell is the founder of Dell Computer, the company famous. Thanks to innovation, creativity high power Michael Dell managed to bring his company to achieve success as one of the leading companies in the world. Here's a brief biography of Michel Saul Dell and his company, Dell Computer.Starting Steps

The position he achieved at this time is not taken for granted. The achievement was obtained through the sweat and hard work. Indeed, Dell is not the children of poor families. His mother is a stockbroker, and his father a dentist. Therefore, do not be surprised if her father wanted a Dell lectures in the field of health. However, Dell is more like the computer field. This is demonstrated when she was seven years old when he bought his first calculator. Men born February 23, 1965 this then get a teletype machine while still in junior high school. Then, the machine he's after school program.
At the age of 12 years, a man named Saul Dell was born Michael worked as a dishwasher at Chinese restaurants in Houston, Texas. Dell receives wages $ 2, 30 per hour. Income received that he collected to buy stamps. Dell small indeed fond of collecting stamps.
From his love of this addition, he received his first $ 1,000 cash after selling his entire collection. In a young age, Dell often bergonta work started to become a bus boy, worked as an employee at the store of rare stamps and coins, to be a newspaper vendor who provides a booking service by telephone.
However, Dell's interest in the computer world increasingly entrenched at age 15. After playing with computers at Radio Shack, he had his first computer, an Apple II, soon to be dismantled to see how it works. Dell computer and then trying to reassemble a dismantled. He was successful. After that, his wish in the world of increasingly powerful computers. At the age of 18 years, Dell over the profession. He works to find customers for the Houston Post. Dell was still a high school receive a salary of USD18.000 per year.
Furthermore, Dell started a computer business in 1984 at age 19 years and was a student at the University of Texas, Austin. Dell college with hopes of becoming a doctor. However, the ambitions that he left and started their own business, buying and selling computers with the flag of "PC's Limited" is done from the university dormitory.
At that moment Dell just USD1.000 capital from the sale of stamp collections. "When I founded Dell in 1984, based on the premise that you can sell computers directly to customers with customized desires. The price is cheaper than the market. That was the radical perspective, "said Dell's First Job as reported by the Institute.
She lived an unusual business. PC's Limited computer allows customers to customize their desired specifications. The price offered is significantly lower than market prices. This is understandable given the PC's Limited does not have a store and not have to pay a middleman.
All computers are sold directly to customers by using the order form. "At Dell, we are constantly evaluating business to know how to fix and often times we do approach to consumers with a completely different way," said Dell.
Direct interaction with consumers it can be used as an effective step, so the PC's Limited was well received in the community. This response makes Dell overwhelmed in allocating their time and business college. He decided to drop out and focus more on running the business he had pioneered.Towards Success

Seeing the enthusiasm of the community to make Dell's expanded his company by producing the first computer that is named Turbo PC. Marketing system through various computer magazines by providing specifications to choose from consumers.
This makes the PC's Limited could achieve gross opinion of USD73 million in its first year and position ourselves as the only successful company with a marketing system like that. Then in 1988, PC's Limited changed its name to Dell Computer Corporation.
At the same time, Dell began a service system in place. In 1992, Dell's success made him run a successful business was named the youngest CEO in the history of the world that has a big company and get listed in top 500 companies of Fortune magazine (Fortune 500).
At that time the 27-year-old Dell. Then in 2003, Dell Computer Corporation changed its name to Dell Inc. "When I startedcompany, so many ideas beyond the conventional business customs. If there are people who say that it will not work, I do not really listen to them, "he said.
In 2004, Dell resigned as CEO and he chose to sit on the board of direksi.Tetapi to save the company fromdownturn, in 2007, Dell returned as CEO, replacing Kevin Rolling. Thanks to the expertise and the various innovations that do, the products Dell Inc. experienced a lot of progress.
Not only selling personal computer (PC), currently Dell Inc. also provides sales of various information technology-based products such as laptops, servers, storage media (storage), printers, PDAs, MP3, cameras, television. Dell's expertise in business no doubt.
This is evident from its success makes Dell Inc. as one of the leading computer companies in the world, to succeed was ranked 41 in the list of Fortune 500 Companies 2011. Not only that, Dell also successfully won the title as one of the world's richest man according to Forbes magazine in 2011, with total net worth reached $ 15 billion.Social ResponsibilityQuote:
Success in developing the company, do not forget to make Dell the welfare of others. Therefore, in 1999 Dell and his wife, Susan, Michael & Susan Dell established the Foundation to manage the investments and philanthropic efforts Dell family. Through the foundation, Dell uses some of his personal fortune to help children around the world by focusing on health, education, safety, youth development and early childhood care, which in 2005 contributed more than $ 1 billion, providing millions dollars to help the victims of the 2004 tsunami in south Asia. In 2006 he also contributed $ 50 million to the University of Texas at Austin

Spoiler for Dell's House:

Spoiler for Foundation Website:

Spoiler for Dell With Children:

Spoiler for Dell in India:

source: http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=9410521

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

7 Cities Most "Dangerous" in Asia

Seven busy city in Asia offers a wide range of temptations. You can eat it greedily in Taipei or become a dandy in Manila. These cities can be its own excuse for sin.
1. Gluttony: Taipei, Taiwan

Cheap food you can find anywhere, day or night.There are 18 streets in Taipei that is dedicated only to selling food. In places that typically there will be a bus stop, in Taipei you will find baked goods. The sidewalk became confectionary kiosk. The smell filled the air even know fermentation.The night market in Taipei so famous for snack choices. Typically, these foods are known as xiaochi, which literally means "snack". These small food prices between $ 1-2.Your stomach is very easy to bulge in the city.
2. Laziness: Seoul, South Korea

If no overtime, the South Korean people will spend the bandwidth.Internet in Seoul was organized, managed, and tidied up in such a way, so fast, people do not have to move anywhere. South Koreans can take hours playing World of Warcraft with ease.South Korea was ranked 15 cities in the world termalas (and number one in Asia) by The Daily Beast. And there's no reason they can become more lazy anymore.Recent proposals from the government proposes digital technology advances. The reason is the demand of online gaming and video streaming in Seoul. In 2012, the speed of the Internet in a city of 39 million people can reach 1000 Mbps.
3. Pride: Manila, Philippines

Filipino women famous for her beauty. But the men are too busy mematut-matut themselves in the mirror.According to recent research from Synovate, Filipino men are the most narcissistic in Asia. Approximately 48 percent of these men believed themselves to be sexually attractive.And about 9 out of 10 men who claim to revoke his eyebrows, they want to look cool for himself, not to lure women.In comparison, only 25 percent of men in Singapore who convinced him attractive. That figure only reached 17 percent in China and Taiwan, while in Hong Kong only 12 percent of men who think they are interesting.

4. Greed: Shenzhen, China

  Shenzhen endlessly spend billions of dollars to buy high-tech products.Shenzhen is one of many the fastest growing cities in the world. Province's gross domestic income reached $ 42 billion - that means more than the GDP countries like Guatemala, Lebanon, and four times bigger than Iceland.A matter of time until there is a billion millionaires in China. Philosophy Shenzhen said, if you can not produce one million, then bring forth a billion.

5. Passion: Tokyo, Japan

Japan's sex industry is estimated to reach ¥ 2.5 trillion ($ 30 billion), number two under the automotive industry.According to the author of "Pink Box", Joan Sinclair, "Japan can offer anything you can imagine."From the disgusting porn to waiter, Tokyo like a dirty-minded old man in the body of a teenager. And he's fulfilling his dirty desires with the spirit of an exhibitionist.Tokyo is a city that can satisfy your fetishes, or where you can be bathed by a young teen in uniform.

6. Envy: New Delhi, India

In 2010, the Indians are the second largest emigrant world after Mexico. This data is based on the Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011 from the World Bank.There are approximately 11.4 million Indians who migrate to seek better livelihood. India and its capital, New Delhi, syndrome "grass is greener" the worst.
7. Revenge: Pyongyang, North Korea

Stubborn, like open confrontation, antidamai ... North Korea's capital like a teenager labile Asia. But, unlike teens who like to express their insecurity with pierced body parts or hair coloring, North Korea would rather sink the ship or shoot the islands with a bullet.North Korea is the national sport of Taekwondo. If there is a shortage of food, then the military comes first served. Propaganda films constantly talk about the invisible forces of North Korean soldiers. Posters in Pyongyang also advised, "Peace is at the tip of a bayonet."With a population of about 24 million people, has 1 million North Korean soldiers.

15 Musical Instruments Rare, Unique and Creative

Kalimbas, also known as the thumb piano, is part of the family of percussion instruments. It is made of reed or tip, which then plucked with the thumb or fingers of people who play and vibration of the reed is then amplified through a hollow box resonator or a sound board to create music.

Glass Armonica
Glass harmonica is a set of glass bowls or cups, varying in size, to produce musical tones by friction.

Cucumber Phones
This is part of the vegetable orchestra from Vienna. Having a mouth piece carrot, cucumber and red pepper body at the base to help project the sound. This orchestra does not waste food. When finished they brought him home and make soup.

Travel Didgeridoo
Didgeridoo is known as a wind instrument. Length is about 1 to 4 feet. The longer the instrument, the lower the tone. In the journey can be disassembled and placed in a backpack.

Ballon Music
Ballon music is made of inflatable balloons, and opened. The size of the balloon make a difference tones on ballon.

These are instruments made of steel with the other parts are very small as mouth pieces and engine tuning. You can make the whole ensemble with instruments and able to entertain the audience if you know how to play.

Fence Music
You can get the music by using a metal or wire fence with a violin bow. Using a cable like a violin string, you can hear sound coming from their resonance as they move backward and forward from the bow.

Musical Saw
This is done by using a handsaw. When placing a control point between your knees, you should use one hand to maintain control of another, while the curve of the blade inside, making a form of "S". You can use a violin bow to strum and so-called point-called "sweet", which is part of a flat knife. People who control the tone by moving the knife.

Cheese Drum Set
Each wheel of cheese is configured as a set of drums. Ukuranyang have different, unusual drum and sticks used to play. Depending on how they hit and where it will determine the sound produced. Each type of cheese produced various types of sounds, because the density of this type of cheese.

Aeolian Wind Harp
It is made of a wooden box with strings stretched across two boards. If you want to hear a voice that can be created with this tool, should be placed near open windows, so the wind could blow it. Ropes can be made from different materials with thicknesses of the same material and will produce the same tone or in a different tone levels. Wind power will determine the type of sound we can hear.

Pegasus PianoThere are only fourteen piano there. This is a very ergonomic curved keyboard. This piano has 88 keys are unique, which can make the 7 ¼ octave. The lid is set on a hydraulic system that allows the operator to control how much sound is projected from it.

Kazoo Instrument
Kazoo is known as a wind instrument. There is a mechanism that converts voice shakes when voiced his players. You have to talk or sing to the device. They are made of steel or plastic.

Riday T-91 Midi Controller
You can play this instrument like a keyboard. Using the model of all the fingers for the 12 scales, 12 major scales, minor scales 12 and 12 blues scales. Move your hand to the right or left position back and forth in the instrument will help you produce the sound you want.

Jaw Harp
This is known as the world's oldest tool. It is made of flexible metal or bamboo. Instruments associated with the frame and placed in the mouth of the players. Will work if the way teagk against the teeth, which in turn, the mouth will make the sound resonator. There should be enough room for the tongue vibrate freely. Cheek or lips is not not in direct contact. Changing the shape of the mouth will change the tone and volume in accordance with the incoming and outgoing breath.

Weather HarpIt is made of marine plywood, goat skin, epoxy and mixed media. The tool is operated by the wind. It has 21 strings that originate from the center. They will play 42 notes a string. There are two wind activated devices that produce sound. The metal cup will pluck the treble strings to produce chords, while the balance arm will pluck the strings to produce a bass tone.

10 surprising facts about sex


For couples who are married, sexual relations can be one way to maintain a healthy body and mind. There are some startling facts about the sexual relationship has not been known. Reporting from Medindia, here are 10 surprising facts about sexual relations:

1. The number of people having sex per day
There are about 100 million people worldwide who have sex every day.

2. The number of people having sex per year
Based on the results of the survey conducted by Durex World Sex Survey, globally obtained results that people have sex as much as 103 times per year or 1.98 times per week, or 0.28 times per day.

3. Food sex enhancer
Certain foods are known to improve one's sex drive, among other lean meats, grains, watermelon, Pumpkin seeds, almonds, bananas, strawberries, mango, avocado, pepper, cardamom, pepper, champagne, oysters, dark chocolate (dark brown) , truffles and caviar.

4. Sex burns calories
Having sex can burn 70-120 calories in women weighing about 60 pounds and 77-155 calories for a man weighing about 77 kilograms per hour.


5. Most countries who have sex
America and Greece recorded as the country with the most sexual relationships in the world. In America there were reported 124 times per year sexual relationship in Greece and 117 times higher than the world average of 103 times. India recorded having sex just 76 times a year and the Japanese seem least interested in sex as only intercourse was recorded 36 times per year.

6. Erections at night
The study of erectile suggests that men may experience erectile about 9 times in a single night, regardless of whether or not he had erotic dreams.

7. Sex world record
In 2004, porn star Lisa Sparxxx create a world record was remarkable, ie having sex with 919 men in 24 hours.


8. The number of porn sites
There are more than 4.2 million pornographic sites on the world's growing every day with millions of videos depicting various sexual relationships.

9. The position of the Kama Sutra
In the ancient book of Hindu Sanskrit 'Kama Sutra', there are a total of 64 positions for sexual intercourse. This is illustrated very graphically by the statue in the temple of Konark and Khajuraho. Kama Sutra describes making love as "divine union".

10. The myth of sexual relations in Africa
In Africa there is one common myth in circulation, namely sexual intercourse with a virgin girl (virgin) can cure AIDS. This myth is known for its Deflowering Virgins and has been popular since ancient times. Fatafehi ​​Paulah, King of Tonga in the 17th century was even able to sleep with 10 virgins in one day. And during his reign, there were about 37,800 virgins had slept.

Unique Facts Of World Music

1. Longest Song Title

Do you know if there's one song that has recorded the longest title in the history of creation of songs. The song is titled I'm a Cranky Old Yank in a Clanky Old Tank on the Streets of Yokohama with my Honolulu Mama Doin 'Those Beat-o, Beat-o Flat-On-My-Seat-o, Hirohito Blues.
Hoagy Carmichael who wrote this song in 1943 eventually dismantle the secret that the song was originally just titled I'ma Cranky Old Yank, but because he wanted to make a joke and even then the title track plus a few words.

2. Most Grammy Awards winning musician

Michael Jackson recorded as a musician who won a Grammy ever in history. Until the end of his life, he managed to collect eight of this prestigious trophy.

3. Piano composition Longest in History


The composition of the longest in the history of the piano works of Erik Satie is a composition entitled Vexations. There are 180 notes in this composition and in the order that created the creator, this song should be repeated up to 840 times.
Vexations first staged in September 1963 at the Pocket Theater, New York City and ten pianists need to finish this song in sequence.

4. First Video on MTV Live


The first video aired on MTV is the song 'Video Killed the Radio Star "Buggles's played on August 1, 1981. About 16 years later, on February 27, 2000, MTV broadcast again the song Video Killed the Radio Star as a video of unity million that they publish.
The video is also a video number three of the most frequently played on MTV. The first sequence is occupied by Peter Gabriel Sledgehammer through the song.

5. Historic Day for the British National Anthem


Dated February 9, 1909 listed as a historic day for the British national anthem. On that day the song 'God Save the King' played 17 times in succession by German military band at the railway station Rathenau, Brandenburg.
The reason, at that time, King Edward VII which should emerge from inside the train car while accompanied by the song turned out to have difficulty wearing a uniform Field-Marshall Germany and the German military band was forced to repeat this song came to King Edward VII.

6. First Video Clip of the Colored Musicians


Billie Jean video for Michael Jackson's first recorded as a video clip of black musicians that MTV aired.
7. First Rockstar Arrested on stage


Jim Morrison, vocalist of The Door was recorded as the first rock star who was arrested by police when he was on stage.

10 World's Best Guitarist

1. Steve Vai


Probably all already know that steve vai is the only guitarist that has a complete engineering and gaming soundnya also exceptional, so it is proper for varius if no 1 position occupied by the masters such as Steve vai

2.Joe Satriani

Choosing Joe varius reasons bang as the runner-up because you could say in terms of album sales and award recipients as instrumentalist rock album has been achieved by him and again he is also very creative in the selection of tone.

3.Paul Gilbert


Who the hell knows ga ma This tall guitarist who is a former guitarist of the band Mr.Big, varius he may choose for reasons speednya pickingnya and unusually rapid (pake pake ma hand drill is almost the same time anyway? Mean incredible speed right hand ) and also his vocal quality is also good
4. John petrucci


He is the guitarist of the band dream theater, certainly not smua also agree that he entered the ranks of the top 10 best guitarist? but there is one less thing yangvarius likes of this person, namely showmanshipnya a normal, even he seems to always look to the neck when doing solos. but however Petrucci is one of the guitarists with a complete technique as well.
5. Yngwie Malmsteen


What about the varius options for this position? What all agree? hell of a lot less so among the rockers who like Yngwie, for whatever reason. hehehe but he's still viable count because pickingnya accurate and fast, but maybe he's shortcomings in the election lick monotonous, how do readers think?

6. Jimi Hendrix


Although he already left this world more than 30tahun but his name still resonates among guitarists, can not be denied that he was one of the most genius guitarist of this century, too bad he was so short.
7. I Wayan Balawan


The son of Bali is recognized by the world as a guitarist loh reliable because it double-handed technique tappingnya game, he has not been tough this play two guitars simultaneously by simply using the tapping? and he was also creative in combining music with Balinese folk music combined with jazz, in fact there are many skilled guitarists also use this technique for example, stanley jordan, Jennifer batten and even there was one Japanese guitarist who I forgot what's his name huh??

8.Vitto Bratta


Still Remember the White Lion guitarist this?? varius chose him with the excuse that he was one of the most intelligent guitarists tone harmonic tones and dignakan by taping, for example, please listen to the song entitled whitelion Wait, can we hear there is a very melodic guitar melodies and played with a tapping technique is superb. actually there is still a matter of tapping jugaEddie Van Halen, but varius memlilih Brata vitro.

9.Jason Becker


Guitarist varius chose this because of his genius, for the uninitiated guitarist underwent a nerve disease that makes all dead and can not move his body, only her eyes were still able to glance at today. and in such circumstances, he could still compose songs using the computer mouse eye sensor (Yeah great) unfortunately he suffered such a fate, when he was young and very talented loh .. once he had a duet with guitarist megadeth marty friedman cacophony to make the band a wing neo classic metal ..

10. Luca Turilli


Heard this name? he is the guitarist of the band Rhapsody of Fire (formerly Rhapsody name) italian nationality guitarist was chosen because his genius is worth making the composition and orchestral arrangements are coupled with the wing flow metal rhapsody music, rhythm techniques besides gun machinenya very constant and rapid