Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Not All Muslims a chance to look at THIS !!!!!

Daud Tomb of the Prophet of Allah, the U.S. in Israel

Spoiler for 1:

2. The tomb of the Prophet of Allah Muhammad, SAW in Saudi Arabia

Spoiler for 2:

3. Footprints Prophet ADAM, USA in Sri Lanka

Spoiler for 3:

4. Tomb of Eve in Jeddah

Spoiler for 4:

5. ADAM tomb of the Prophet of Allah, the U.S. in Jordan

Spoiler for 5:

6. Tomb ABEEL, son of the Prophet of Allah ADAM, USA in Saudi Arabia
Spoiler for 6:

7. The tomb of the Prophet of Allah Prophet YUSYA, A.S, in Jordan

Spoiler for 7:

8. The tomb of the Prophet of Allah SALEH, USA

9.MOSES The tomb of the Prophet of Allah, the U.S. in Israel

Spoiler for 9:

10. The tomb of the Prophet of God Shoaib, AL

Spoiler for 10:

11. The tomb of the Prophet of God HARUN, AL

Spoiler for 11:

12. The tomb of the Prophet of Allah Zakaria, AL

Spoiler for 12:

13.The tomb of the Prophet of Allah YAHYA, AL

Spoiler for 13:

14. ABU Taleb tomb, uncle of the Prophet of Allah Muhammad, Muhammad in Mecca

Spoiler for 14:

15. The tomb of Khadija, wife of the Prophet of Allah Muhammad, Muhammad in Mecca

Spoiler for 15:

16. Tomb of Fatima Zahra

Spoiler for 16:

17. Bilal Habashi Mausoleum, Damascus

Spoiler for 17:

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